The said business conditions apply to the guests of Hotel Bonjour.
The guests can book hotel accommodation in advance or when they arrive at the hotel. Reservations are made in accordance with the existing quota of rooms to be used. Hotel Bonjour reserves the right to reject reservations for important reasons.
As a rule, the payments are made while taking departure; however, the hotel may request the quests to provide information regarding a guarantor and/or credit card during their booking or arriving at the hotel.
Dates of Arrival and Departure
Check-in is possible for guests at all times starting from 2:00 pm. If a guest does not arrive at the hotel until 2:00 pm and inform the hotel about any delay with respect to his/her arrival, the hotel has the right to lease the room to another person.
The guests are obliged to leave the room and make the payment until 12:00 am on the day they are about to take their departure. Delays that may arise with respect to this point, give rise to the right to invoicing for another overnight stay at the hotel.
All prices, in regard to each room of the hotel, conform to the current prices. These prices are disseminated at the reception and on request, they are given to the quests.
All prices published on include only the payments indicated in the definition of installment.
All of the outstanding invoices must be paid while taking departure.
In case the guest cancels a reservation subject to the condition of the explanations stated in item 2, the hotel is entitled to collect the cancellation fees set out below:
(a) In case the cancellation is notified 7-14 days before the reserved overnight stay, 25 % of the fee of the overnight stay;
(b) In case the cancellation is notified 3-7 days before the reserved overnight stay, 50 % of the fee of the overnight stay;
(c) In case the cancellation is notified 1-2 days before the reserved overnight stay, 75 % of the fee of the overnight stay;
(d) In case the cancellation is notified 24 hours before the reserved overnight stay, 90 % of the fee of the overnight stay.
In the event that Hotel Bonjour cannot offer room at the requested number and kind in accordance with the reservation for various reasons, Hotel Bonjour is entitled to shift the customer to a hotel having the same level of standards in the same region. Additional and suitable costs that may arise for a comparable shifting (only for the first night) are at the discretion of Hotel Bonjour and as a rule, on account of Hotel Bonjour in favor of the customer. Acceptance of this liability (does not mean the departure from the hotel by the customer due to the obligation of the payments to be made to the hotel) supersede all kinds of responsibilities and obligations clearly excluded in this way.
Right to Refusal
In case the hotel reaches to a reasoned conclusion as to the taking of alcohol, drug, improper dressing or unacceptable manner of behavior by the customer, it can reject the guests entrance into and accommodation at the hotel.
In case any guest creates unrest, behaves in an unacceptable way or in a way as to annoy, hurt other guests, the hotel has the right to expel this quest from the hotel.
Hotel Regulations
The guests are obliged to comply with the binding proper provisions and procedures at the hotel, security procedures as well as the provisions of legal registration and notification.Domestic animals are not allowed at the hotel. Children below the age of 14 must always be under the supervision of an adult guest.
Valuable Goods
The guests having valuable goods must keep these within the safe deposit boxes of the hotel. Hotel Bonjour is responsible for losses of or damages to the valuable goods kept in these safe deposit boxes.
Loss, Responsibility etc.
The guests are obliged to notify immediately any loss of or damage to the goods they own, to the authorized personnel, security personnel and other employees of the hotel and the hotel is obliged to provide support to the police for the arrest of those notified.
The guests are prohibited from entering into the areas of the hotel indicated as closed to the public.
Hotel Bonjour in no way is responsible for the injury, health of the guests and/or loss of or damages to their property.
Hotel Bonjour is in no way responsible for the losses and damages arising from improper behaviors and negligence, force or only possession by the guest of the specific property.
The responsibility of the hotel for losses of and damages to the goods owned by the guests is 75 for a good and limited to 150 totally. Goods given to the safe deposit box of the hotel for safekeeping or goods stolen or damages as a result of the great negligence and deliberate conduct of the hotel constitute the exceptional circumstances.
Hotel Bonjour is in no way responsible for the failures and delays in the performance of its obligations under the contract if it is based on the reasons that are out of control of the hotel, particularly wars, threat of war, civil or political conflicts, unrests, riots, natural calamities, fires, epidemics and, storms and hurricanes (threatening or real) terrorist events, military operations, operations carried out by governments or authorities, business conflicts, force majeure, interruption in the electricity network, stopping of the air planes, damages to the services supply to be provided from outside, or similar situations.
Hotel Bonjour, at the best of its ability, will carry out the transactions of reservation; it is entitled to take the reservation to a hotel having the same level of standards in the same region. The customer is aware of the fact that the hotel is in no way responsible for the losses and damages that may arise from the shifting of accommodation and transfer to another hotel.
Hotel Bonjour will not escape from its own responsibility in cases of injuries and health stemming from the negligence of the hotel.
The guests are invited to read the announcements made at the reception with regard to the losses or damages that may occur for the property that they own.
Hotel Bonjour is in no way responsible for the losses or damages that may occur with respect to the vehicles of the guests excluding the losses or damages that arise from great negligence or deliberate conduct of the hotel.
Responsibility for losses, damages, breaches, injuries and health stemming from the behaviors of the guests belong to them.
You accept that these business conditions are subject to the Turkish law and that in this way the Turkish Courts are authorized in regard to all disputes to arise from this contract.